Field Trip`s

On Monday I play with Zack and I went to Jordyn`s around the sun and I Otrio and I listened to the Pug song

On Tuesday I went to the big history project and I went to clay works, and that was all.

On Wednesday I Went to the Mint museum and played with Ayan

On Thursday I played with Zack, I did Mystery science and I played outside.

On Friday I went to the McColl center, and that was all.

March 5-8

Monday I played outside w/Zack and played w/Ayan inside. I also played Minecraft.

Tuesday I went to see the movie Black Panther again.

Wednesday I wasn’t at school because I was sick.

Thursday I played Minecraft, talked to Zack, went to punctuation class, went to fraction class, and I talked to Ayan.

Friday I played Minecraft with Gabe, Will and Zack. I also played outside.

12 and up trip.

On the trip we went to a serpentarium, aquarium and to a fort.  My favorite part was the aquarium. At the touch pool we got to touch a stingray. They are my favorite ocean animal. At the aquarium we got to see an albino alligator. We stayed at Zack’s grandma’s condo and I got to make pancakes for breakfast one morning.


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The Awesome Week

What did you enjoy doing this week?

I enjoyed playing disc golf because it was fun and I got one of them in a par. I also enjoyed going to the Daniel Stowe Botanical garden when I got wet. My favorite little house there was the nest. It was under a tree and looked like from the outside like a big twig pile, but when you got to the inside it was literally like a home.

Were there things you didn’t like doing this week?

Jackson and I fighting yesterday.

What do you imagine yourself doing next week?

Holding a big, big sandwich. I want to make a big, big sandwich.


This week’s reflection survey: 

This week I..

Tried something new: Kind of (I went to the park again and I don’t like doing things I’ve already done, but I did it)

Felt great about the choices I made: yes

Took care of my emotional self: Yes

Took care of my physical self: Yes

Took care of my community: Yes

The best year ever

I got a new computer and got to bring it to school for the first time. I got a new game I never played before called Dragmon Hunter and I got some cool dragons on it.


Zack and I played this new game that we made up. The game is where you choose your own character and a time period and act it out. We played that outside.


I felt really good this week because I was happy.

Sept 21 Week

I like disc golf because it’s fun to throw the discs.  You got to see how far you could throw the discs. Sometimes o did some really funny throws like hitting the tree over and over.  The first one I got really far.  I had Andrew, Jacob, Zach and Tomis on my team.  I want to do disc golf again.

I played with my friends on the hike- Zach, Andrew. Jacob, Charlotte, Jess and Jackson.  I saw some pretty cool weird bugs.  We saw a shedded snake – a snake skin.  Snakes shed their skin when it gets old and wrinkly and then they get new shiny skin.  It’s how they get bigger.i saw a dead mole like animal.  It’s in the family with moles and voles.  There was a tiny hole in the animal.  At first I felt sad for it when I thought it was a mole but then I realized it wasn’t a mole and so didn’t feel sad anymore because I only like moles.

I played a little electronics this week.  I had enough time to create.  It was the right amount of time for me this week.

I was in the bunny problem solving group. Wills afraid of the bunny but likes using the quiet room but people bring the bunny in there and make it loud.  We decided that the people who want to get the bunny out have to ask the people in the room and Will before taking it out.

Next week I want to have fun!

Sept 14 Week

I like to build cool sculptures in Minecraft.  It’s fun because you get to build with blocks.  Sometimes I do survival worlds where you have to get your own stuff.  In survival there are monsters and zombies and you can do different stuff that you can’t do in creative.

I went to freedom park and made two fairy villages with Will.  We built fairy houses.  After that we found frogs hopping around the fairy village.  Will found one two and we both had our own frogs.  We found some see shells to make cars for the frogs do they wouldn’t be tired.  We went down to the water and built them boats.  They got I. Their boats and liked them.

Next week I’m not going to play as minecraft because I have other things I want to do.  I’m going to ask one of the facilitators for help.  A few of the things I want to do are the sewing things and play outside.

I want Elle to come for a day, she makes everyone happy.  When Elle is there Zach will get off the computer right away to play outside.  But when I ask him to play outside I have to ask him like 10 times to get off the computer.

My week

I played outside and did Minecraft.  The next day I played Minecraft for the whole day.  Then yesterday I played outside for half the day and played Minecraft for half the day.  Today I was going to play Minecraft but it didn’t work and so I got a different computer and played Minecraft Minecraft and then after that I played real life Minecraft in there and then I did the drum circle and then I went to Andrew’s birthday.

I like playing Minecraft because I get to build stuff and it’s a video game and I like that you get to build with blocks.  Did a few building challenges where I got to build stuff like a sandwich and a trophy.

I loved the drum circle because I got to play the drums and I got to see the new instruments and I got to make new instruments.

I played with Zack and Andrew and Ayan and Dan this week.

Next week I intend to not be on electronics so much.  I think that being on electronics all the time will ruin my school year and I won’t do all the things I want to do but I still might be on them.


Insert from Nancy: This week in Spawn Point, I asked the kids to choose some categories for “ways to spend time at school” that felt really important to them. Then we color coded each category to see how many things we do each day in those categories when we reflect. At the end of the day, the kids color their stickies if they match a category and store them in the labeled envelope. Here’s Caleb’s:



I played w/ayan The name of the game is the game we played last time.

I made a painting and it was a Yoshi painting. I worked really really hard on it. I had to shade it, I had to do the outline, and I had to take my time and not rush.



The Nothing

I had fun with Zack playing the game we always play. There are no rules. You chose your own character and fight with imaginary people.
